Friday, 21 October 2011

Assessment film

This is our finished assessment film. Overall, our film went well. We had a range of shot types and we used different camera angles. There were hardly any continuity errors.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Harrison's Recee

How well lit is the site?
Well lit during the day, but low lighting at night.

Where does the light come from?
Sunlight during the day, street lamps at night.

Will you require extra lighting?
Yes if filming at night or in the afternoon.

How will you white balance the camera?
By taking a blank piece of white paper.

Sound & noise
Are there any background sounds?
Cars occasionally on nearby street.

Are these natural or man-made?

Will these affect the shoot?
No, they are very infrequent as it is a pretty quiet street.

Health & safety

Long grass, bumpy ground

Fire hazards:


Potential for street crime:
Very little

Permission required:

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Continuity Exercise

This exercise was to test our editing skills to see if we can make the scene flow correctly with multiple shots, we followed the 180-degree rule through out filming, this way in our shots it didn't look like the actors were ever changing places this way it doesn't confuse our audience.